Hobo and Porch

Walking up to the front door of a big farmhouse, a hobo knocked lightly on the door until the owner answered. The hobo said, "Please, sir, could I have something to eat? I haven't had a meal in days."

The well-dressed homeowner said, "I may have made a fortune supplying goods to people, but I never give away anything for nothing. However, if you go around to the back of the house, you'll fine a gallon of paint and a clean brush. Paint my porch and I'll give you a good meal."

The hobo headed off to the back of the house and a few hours later he came back to knock on the door again. The homeowner was surprised. "Finished already? That's great! Come on in and sit down, and I'll have the cook bring you a meal."

"Thank you, sir!" the hobo said. "I should tell you though, that you don't know your cars. That's not a Porch. It's a BMW."